Sad Rock Trail

September 23, 2015
Saddle Rock

Phase 1: C and the Planning Commission were wining and dining Boulder's elite bollard magnates, so S and D opted for a 30-minute quad burn on the remnants of the Saddle Rock Trail. The flooding several years ago had washed away significant portions of the trail, and repairs have only just begun. S and D turned back before the treacherous ladder-ascent up a washed-out embankment (according to the sign, some dogs may have difficulty with this section of the trail).

Phase 2T∙aco, spelled variously "T∙aco" and "T/aco," and likely pronounced with a mid-bite glottal stop (T {gulp} ah-co). Undoubtedly French for "expensive and tiny." 

Phase 3: Ozo Coffee Shop, with mysterious glyphs.

SRSaddle Rock