Gregory and Guest

July 13, 2016
Gregory Canyon, Boulder

July 13th's Big Night Out found our seasoned squad of hikers-including a new guest addition-at the Gregory Canyon Trailhead in the just-fading heat of the afternoon. S, D, and C initiated S' niece, Emma, with a steep, rocky hike, a brief glance into a vast collection of inside jokes, and of course, the privilege of posing the question of the week. 

Phase 2 brought the weary wanderers to Centro Mexican Kitchen in the heart of Pearl Street Mall. They enjoyed all varieties of Mexican cuisine, and their meal was made complete by a screaming baby and stomach-churning talks of the future. 

Phase 3, E's favorite, included coffee and hot chocolate in the deliciously paper-scented air of Trident. What better way to end a wonderful Wednesday than in the welcoming embrace of a book store?

–Contributing author: Emma


Question of the Week: What violin tune should E play during her aunt's upcoming wedding march? Add your suggestions in the comments section below!

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