In Search of Leaves

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - Lyons, Colorado

Phase 1: S & D journeyed up Boulder Canyon to the Peak-to-Peak Highway, in search of the elusive golden aspen, rumored to be present this time of year in the high country. They peered carefully into the underbelly rush, keeping a watchful eye out for the fall foliage. Alas, though a few leaves hither and yon had turned, most of the trees seemingly had yet to realize that winter is coming, and remained a bright and cheerful green. Fortunately, our fearless adventurers struck true gold in the form of a lemonade stand, halfway along the Peak-to-Peak.

Phase 2: Oskar Blues in Lyons. It wasn't even crowded. As we sat in the restaurant on the second floor, the wood floorboards at our feet vibrated from a live music event below.

Phase 3: Boulder Baked (or as I call it, "the head shop," even though it isn't). Fresh baked cookies, ice cream, coffee. And it's open 7pm-midnight.