
The McClintock

The McClintock

Wednesday, August 8, 2018 – McClintock Trail

Phase 1: C, D2, D, S walked up the McClintock Trail from the neighborhood east of Chautauqua Park. Plenty of ripening chokecherries, crabapples, apples, and the obvious corollary, bear droppings.

berries and mushrooms
crushed beneath a hiker's boots
a dessert for bears

Phase 2: West Flanders Brewing Co. Burgers, salad, chips and guac.

Phase 3: Boulder Baked.

Questions of the Night

  1. Who was the McClintock Trail named for?
    According to ProTrails, "the McClintock Trail is named for Henry H. McClintock, a board member of Chautauqua Park and whose family donated money for interpretive signs along the trail."

  2. Are crabapples apples?
    Both are members of the "Malus" genus.

  3. How many types of sign language exist?
    According to Wikipedia, around 300 sign languages.