Getting Warmer

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 — Shanahan Ridge

Phase 1: Summer commences, as does the heat; fortunately, the evening’s mostly cloudy skies kept our fearless adventurers reasonably cool as they trekked the Shanahan Ridge Trail, north to south. Poppies are in bloom, insisting on being noticed, while hawks perch above, trying not to be.

Phase 2: A redecorated Rio Grande: quesadillas, enchiladas, burritos. D2 opted for a jalapeño margarita, about which Scotty might have quipped, “it’s green.”

Phase 3: “Single origin coffee” at Trident. Much foofaraw about grinding, pre-soaking, triple-pouring, presentation. One dares not ask for cream, lest the coffee gods, and the barista, strike thee down. The “Kenya Highlands,” alleged to evoke blackcurrant and blood orange, was lost to this author’s palate, which apparently lacks the sophistication to detect any suchlike.

Questions of the Night

  • What is a Fortran .mod file?

  • Numerous other such questions, all of which I’ve forgotten.

BNOSRShanahan Ridge