High and Dry
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Phase 1: Shanahan Ridge
Thunderstorms swept across the plains this afternoon, with lightning and sudden cloudbursts threatening to soak the evening’s festivities. Then, as quickly as the storms had billowed into existence, they faded away again, becoming sun-showers, mist, and clear blue skies.
Our fearlessly dry adventurers gathered at Shanahan Ridge. Plenty of parking, and uncrowded paths.
Phase 2: NCAR
Dinner consisted of the usual sandwiches, in the parking lot at NCAR. Alas, a passing security guard drove up and brusquely informed our supping sojourners that beer was verboten on federal property. So we packed up our coolers and headed downhill.
Phase 3: Bill Bower Park
We found our way to the small but pleasant Bill Bower Park, near Table Mesa Dr. Several rocks, fortuitously placed about six feet apart, provided appropriately distant seating for the evening’s conversation and questions.
Questions of the Night
What else does B.N.O. stand for?
What is the origin of the word “dixie?”