Great Green Variation

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Phase 1: NCAR via Great Green Water Tower

D, C, and S met at Vassar & Table Mesa for a walk up the NCAR hill, now green and muddy from the recent rainstorms. A cool day, around 68°F, with no wind. A few flowers here and there, not a lot of deer out and about (though we did spot a few as we trekked back down the road).

After reaching the NCAR parking lot at the top of the hill, we proceeded onward, making a slight detour across the “Walter Orr Roberts Mesa” trail, down the valley a bit, and back up to “the Great Green Water Tower.” This was, as usual, covered in graffiti, but served as a good landmark to mark the evening’s apex.

Took a quick photo, and headed back along the Water Tower trail to the road, and down to the cars.

Phase 2, 3: Bill Bower Memorial Park

A quick drive east on Table Mesa brought us to the Bill Bower Park. There we found a few picnic tables, along with kids playing on the slides and stuff, dog-walkers throwing balls, etc. A pleasant repast of sandwiches and picnic fare, as the sun set and the evening cooled into twilight.