Heat is Hot

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Phase 1: Shanahan Short Loop

Had a chat with the guy who lives next to the trailhead, who was trimming the bushes as we arrived; he confided a little about his neighbor the “crazy lady,” and ranted about youthful hikers who screech at each other while waving their arms wildly.

So off we went, our fearless five-some, as quietly as possible, up the Shanahan North trail. Because of the stultifying and windless heat, we chose the shorter two-mile route, rather than the full loop to the Mesa Trail. Which was good, since I for one drank 3/4 liter of water just on the short route.

Five-some, you say? Yes for this evening’s celebration, S and D were joined by C, D2, and C*D2++ (aka Fortran, aka C2), who emitted gurgling and cooing noises while gnawing on the platypus bite-valve and staring up at the trees.

Phase 2, 3: That park on Yale

Had a picnic in the park, with some barking dogs who settled down eventually. Thankfully, all the picnic tables were in the shade. There was also a playground, wherein some of us crawled through a mysterious tube.

Image Notes

Somehow I managed to salvage the group shot, even though the camera exposed for the sky and drastically under-exposed the people..

BNOSRShanahan Ridge