Six Around

August of another summer, and once again
I am drinking the sun
— Mary Oliver

Phase 1: Boulder Valley Ranch

Special guests S2, G, and A joined our legacy crew S and D, along with the welcome return of C, for a counterclockwise jaunt around Boulder Valley Ranch. C regaled us with tales of a ferocious campsite-devouring moose, while A gathered wild plums.

I can recall only a two other occasions when six such fearless adventurers gathered for the weekly Festivities:

  • July 25, 2017: C, S, D, D2 and his parents, at Woods Quarry.

  • May 23, 2018: D2, C, S, and D, with special guests KZ and PZ, at Teller Ranch.

More accurately, we had seven tonight, as S2 and G were accompanied by an excited and curious T (on leash, of course).

Lots of trees bearing apples, a red-tailed hawk in a bare tree, some mountain bikers blazing around, and a jogger or two on this balmy late-summer evening.

Phase 2, 3: Parking Lot

S2 and G took their leave, while the rest of us plopped down in the parking lot for sandwiches. As the sun set and the temperature cooled, D broke out a new batch of walnut brownies, to much applause and appreciation.

Questions of the Night

  • What are the most eco-friendly nuts?
    Some websites suggest hazelnuts and brazil nuts.

  • What is that neighborhood to the north of BV Ranch?
    North Rim, part of Longmont.