Forty Past Autumn

Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.
— Albert Camus

Phase 1: Bobolink Trail, aka Mosquito Alley

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The autumnal equinox happened today at 5:20pm MDT, and shortly afterwards, our fearless adventurers (D, D2, and S) sallied forth to take the measure of this newly pressed and burnished season. The good news, as stated by a ranger checking license plates in the parking lot, is that the mosquitoes have left.

S was slathered in DEET anyway, because you never know.

So we wandered south to US 36, dodging commuters and exercisers, on a pleasant, windless evening with one hawk and some dragonflies here and there.

Phase 2: Some rocks along South Boulder Creek

Darkness fell and the frogs came out, or one frog, anyway, at least until D shined his flashlight in the general direction of the croak, and thereby banished it; however we blamed its disappearance on an imaginary plesiosaur, a Loch Ness monster of Boulder, who smells like lavender, eats frogs and tofu, and quotes Camus in its spare time.


  1. Quote from Le Malentendu (The Misunderstanding) 2.1: “L’automne est un deuxième printemps où chaque feuille est une fleur.”

BNOSRBobolink Trail