Spring Snow


cheer up, owl!
the spring rain
is falling
— Kobayashi Issa

A two-part hump today, with two sets of fearless adventurers.

Part 1

S joined KR, SM, and JM in search of a great horned owl, which was rumored to be nesting near Two Ponds Wildlife Habitat, in Arvada. And indeed, just a short walk from the starting point at Club Crest Park North, was a gnarled cottonwood, and there, in a gnarled knothole, was the owl, complete with grumpy white owlets. At least, they seemed grumpy, in the opinion of these intrepid explorers.

A few snowflakes drifted here and there, like a snow globe coming to rest at the end of a jostling winter.

The group continued for a pleasant loop of two-ish miles, before finally returning to the aforementioned park.


Part 2

S and D met at the Oerman-Roche trailhead, where they remarked upon a Utahn car parked, rather rebelliously, between a pair of concrete blocks, rather than abutting one.

Some light snow, which seemed to be imagining it was rain.

No owls, or much of anything else. A jogger or two. Maybe a blackbird.

The snow stopped by the time our intrepid explorers reached the “summit,” at the bench along the Meadowlark Trail, above which some hazy blue sky appeared to the west, between the clouds.

Another successful double BNO.
