Time Passes Slowly in Wonderland

Distance: 2.36 mi Elevation: 100’

Distance: 2.36 mi
Elevation: 100’

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 – Wonderland Lake

Phase 1. With clouds looming and raindrops pattering here and there, S and D braved the weather and walked the path from the South Foothills trailhead to Wonderland Lake and back.

Aside: If this is the South Foothills Trail, where is the North Foothills Trail? Ah, ok, here: https://bouldercolorado.gov/osmp/foothills-trailhead

We saw an interesting rabbit, who seemed fearless and oblivious. I tried taking a picture, but a sunflower photobombed the shot.

Meanwhile, a high-school-aged youth, bedecked in camouflage, crouched in the ditch. Armed with a blaze-orange squirt gun and a twig in the muzzle, this ostensible sniper stared intently at the hillside to the west. He claimed there were guerillas.

Continuing onward, S and D pondered noun and verb forms of the word “nefarious.” Apparently, these do not exist.

Dusk had fallen when we returned the car. Time to start bringing headlamps.

Phase 2. The Hungry Toad. Numerous kids.

Phase 3. Trident, who ran out of decaf. They did have half-caf, however, along with cookies, brownies, macaroons, postcards, and people with nowhere else to go, since all the other coffee shops are closed, despite the clock tower across the street insisting, all evening long, that it was 4:35.

Time passes slowly on Pearl Street, if at all.

BNOSRFoothills South