Finale en Snow
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Phase 1: Boulder Valley Ranch
The temperature hovered around 10° as our fearless adventurers plodded through the powdered-sugar landscape of Boulder Valley Ranch, to celebrate the close of the 2019 hiking season by starlight.
By the time we finished the hike, all four of us had numb fingers, toes, faces, and/or limbs. Also, my water bottle contained ice crystals.
This concludes the Hump Day Hiking Season for 2019.
Phase 2: The Hungry Toad
Phase 3: Starbucks at 30th
Questions of the Night
How do bees/fireflies survive the winter?
Bees generate heat by beating their wings in the hive. Fireflies in the larval stage hibernate in mud or under tree bark.Are residents of Puerto Rico (and other US territories) citizens?
It’s complicated, but yes.
Image Notes
My camera was not focusing on anything, which I attribute to the cold weather’s effect on both the photographer and the camera battery (which was low to begin with). Also, I was not using a tripod.