Winter 2019-2020

|  Date  | Phase 1   | Phase 2    | Phase 3    | Comments
| ------ | --------- | ---------- | ---------- | --------
| 13/Nov | Bobolink  | Rio Grande | Gelato Boy | good moon
| 20/Nov |           | Eureka     | Trident    |
| 27/Nov |           |            |            |

|  4/Dec |           | Kathmandu  | Starbucks  |
| 11/Dec |           | The Med    | Trident    |
| 18/Dec |           | West End   | Trident    |
| 25/Dec |           | Christmas  |            | S, C, D2 overseas

| 01/Jan |           | V.Tavern   | in situ    |
| 08/Jan |           |            |            |
| 15/Jan |           |            |            |
| 22/Jan |           | V.Tavern   | in situ    |
| 29/Jan |           | Eureka     | Trident    | Tu 28/Jan sub

| 05/Feb |           |            |            |
| 12/Feb |           |            |            |
| 19/Feb |           | CA Pizza K | Peets      | garage parking
| 26/Feb |           | Eureka     | Trident    |

| 04/Mar |           | OskarBlues | Baked      | Winter Finale

08/Mar/2020 Daylight Savings Time Resumes

Questions of the Night


  • How much time does it take to traverse the Panama Canal?

  • Why are the oceans at different levels?

  • What’s “xyzzy?”


  • What’s the difference between a root and a rhizome?

18 Feb

  • What exactly is sriracha?

  • How did Bloomberg get his money?

26 Feb

  • What is the origin of mead?

  • What’s up with Lagavulin?

4 Mar - Winter Finale

  • What is agar made of?

  • I’m sure we had some other questions.