Not Waneka

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 — Sanitas Valley

Phase 1: Sanitas Valley

As thunder and hail pelted the eastern half of the city, S and D ascended Sanitas Valley, with no rain to speak of, and vague attempts at fog. Good humidity, if somewhat weird for September. Deer browsing here and there. A hiker having a siesta under cloudy skies. A dude in a headband jogging up and down. A dog that looked like Rin Tin Tin.

Phase 2: West Flanders

The maps app recommended “Next Door,” which we didn’t recognize. It claims an American menu and good service, so ok, let’s check it out. Turns out it’s that place just west of the Kitchen, next to Tahona. Crowds of happy people, and live music blasting from the windows. Our verdict: nix, nein, nuuu, nyet!

A block east was West Flanders. Not very crowded, but noisy anyway. S ordered a margherita pizza, while D opted for pepperoni. After some time, the server reported that the kitchen had dropped the pizza on the floor. We inquired whether it had landed crust-down; we are fearless adventurers, after all, batting not an eye at swallowing bugs in a windstorm, and snarfing the last charred marshmallow from the ashes of a dying campfire. But lo, they offered free salads as recompense, so yeah, send over a new pizza. For that matter, send two. Dressing on the side please.

Phase 3: Trident

Trident is getting weirder. Games of Go and backgammon. They make matcha with actual matcha powder; how else would you do it? the barista asked. True artisans, those Trident folks.

Questions of the Night

BNOSRSanitas Valley