200 cm
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Phase 1: Meadowlark Trail
S and D trekked, amid the various masked and unmasked hikers of Humpday, up and down the prairie Meadowlark Trail. Despite the trail’s name, our fearless adventurers encountered exactly zero meadowlarks. A few robins sauntered here and there, pecking worms and tufts of grass, while a plume of dust drifted north, across the the sunset, from an aggregate recycling plant that churned away in the distance.
Phase 2
We contemplated doing take-out, BYO-P2, sandwiches, pizza, a growler of soup, etc. We could even bring thermoses of coffee and books of haiku, for BYO-P3. Maybe next week.
All in all, another successful BNO.
Question of the Night
Regarding the news that a team of drivers took advantage of the relatively empty road conditions during this pandemic, and achieved a new record on the “Cannonball Run,” we wondered: which came first, the movie or the drive?
According to Wikipedia, “The film is based on the 1979 running of an actual cross-country outlaw road race beginning in Connecticut and ending in California.”
We noted a couple of semi-relevant videos to watch during our isolated phases two and three this evening:
More Cowbell [YouTube]
Mountain Lions in Snowy Boulder [Daily Camera]
Hikers and dust, shadow and light.