The Cows of Cowdrey

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Phase 1: Cowdrey Draw

Searching for an uncrowded trail, our fearless adventurers headed to the high plains, to wander the winding paths of Cowdrey Draw. Joining them on this fine 80-degree evening was a brisk westerly breeze, which kept the prairie pleasant and cool. Also enjoying this blustery Wednesday were joggers, cyclists, flowers, grass, cows, meadowlarks, blackbirds, and cumulonimbus. Probably a hawk or a falcon as well, turning in widening gyres; but we noticed none such.

Phase 2: In Situ

Coolers of sandwiches. S had a dip of mashed potato on the side. D had an IPA, which he described as “too hoppy.”

Phase 3: In Situ

Coffee, tea. Cows mooed, and the wind hummed through the power lines like choirs serenading the Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Question of the Night

  • If you were one of those plugged-in millennials who ride their bicycles over hill and dale with their own personalized soundtracks blasting from their phones, what song would you choose?
    D uncharacteristically selected “Hey Hey What Can I Do,” by Led Zeppelin.
    S uncharacteristically selected “Ride of the Valkyries,” by Richard Wagner.

BNOSRCowdrey Draw