Some Snow

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Phase 1: Sanitas Valley

D, S, D2, C, and special guest SM2 braved the oncoming winter weather to trudge up Sanitas Valley at twilight. Other hikers reported seeing bears with cubs, so we kept our headlamps at the ready as we trekked up the trail. About halfway up we smelled a skunk, but no bears appeared. We paused at the top to admire the lack of a view, took the requisite summit photos, and headed back down.

Phase 2: Pasta Jay’s.

Lasagna, garlic bread, stuffed shells, and plenty of tomato sauce, all in massive servings that could feed a village. Two rounds of “happy birthday.” Heat lamps warmed the empty porch, a welcome respite from the cold.

Phase 3: Lindsay’s

We attempted Trident, which was full of course; then Lindsay’s for ice cream, coffee, and questions.

Questions of the Night

  1. How many employees at Google?

  2. What is the elevation of Brainard Lake?

Image Notes:

  • The camera did its best to focus in the dark on auto mode, despite my having forgotten to enable the focus illuminator light.

  • One image is taken with a flash (which illuminated mostly snowflakes); the other image is a stack of five, merged in Photoshop using “median,” and brightened considerably in Lightroom. We fully expected to see bears in the background, but no.

  • The cover image shows D and C coming up from the trailhead, in light rain/mist. The weather turned to snow shortly after this picture was taken.

BNOSRSanitas Valley