Hanging On
Sunday, November 8, 2020 — South Boulder Creek West
The parking lot had spaces for a change this afternoon, so I loaded up my backpack (to pretend I was in the mountains somewhere) and hiked up the South Boulder Creek West Trail, up to a fence. Other people continued on past it and returned forthwith, passing me; on returning home this evening I checked the map and saw that the trail intersects the Mesa Trail, which would make a pretty good terminus. (Another future option is to loop from the Mesa Trail north to the Lower Big Bluestem and return to the trailhead that way - a four mile loop).
A bit chilly this afternoon, but no wind. Saw 10-12 other people, mostly in pairs, some alone or with dogs. Most were masked, or at least buffed.
On the way back, shortly after sunset, some people in the homes to the south started howling, which caused their dogs to howl, which caused a nearby coyote pack to howl, which caused another pack to the north to howl. And then some geese flew overhead, followed by a few more geese, and a few after that until everyone stopped howling.