15th Street News

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Phase 1: Four Pines Trail

With temperatures reaching the low 90s today, our intrepid explorers withdrew from the socially isolated yet excessively sunny high plains trails, opting instead for the relative shade of the Boulder Mountain Parks. Tonight’s hike was the Four Pines trail, which starts aggressively uphill from the nondescript trailhead at 15th and Bluebell, then winds along the Kohler Trail across the mesa before turning north again past Green Mountain Memorial Park, and finally back to the trailhead.

Not many people tonight: a few hikers, a jogger here and there. Maybe ten people in all.

As luck would have it, a light breeze and some well-placed clouds kept the sun at bay, and our fearless adventurers ended the evening’s errantry in a temperate mien.

Phase 2: Four Pines Trailhead

In camp chairs at the trailhead, and amid surprisingly few mosquitos, our fearless adventurers sat conspicuously curbside, eating their sandwiches while surrounded by Frank-Lloyd-Wright architecture and well-coiffed botanical gardens.

Phase 3: Koi Who

Researching, for no particular reason, Boulder’s extensive open-container liquor laws, the dauntless duo noted that legal text, while verbose, seems to include no excessive verbiage; i.e., every word exists intentionally. Whereas, when describing these weekly festivities, our illustrious authors endeavor to select words with multiple-entendre, amusing pronunciation, and poetical diction. Ergo, lawyers we are not.

Meanwhile, a nice lady emerged from the house across the street and offered her koi pond as a backdrop for our modest repast. Thus ensued the evening’s denouement, with koi relaxing in their pond under the scarlet fronds of a Japanese maple. An elegant ending to be sure.


Homophone of the Night: mien, mean

BNOSRFour Pines